Andrew Jamieson

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Andrew B. Jamieson, from the 14 March 1925 edition of the Shetland Times

Andrew Borrowman Jamieson (b. 24 December 1835, Lerwick, d. 7 March 1925, Lerwick) was a shipping merchant and Lerwick Town Councillor between the years of 1874 and 1889.


Andrew left education aged 18 and joined the business of merchant and fishcurer Joseph Leask, in 1852. Andrew initially was exposed to the whaling trade as Leask was the local agent for whaling vessels. When that industry began to decline, cod fishing grew in importance and Andrew found himself as a Senior Clerk at Leask's, helping crews fit out their Faroe Smacks (boats).

After the Faroe cod fishing industry collapsed, Leask's business moved away from fishing, just as the herring-curing industry was taking over the isles. After Leask's death in 1882, Andrew left the firm and became the Agent for the North of Scotland Steam Navigation Company in Scalloway, where they had recently opened a port of call for mail steamers. In later years, he came back to Lerwick as a clerk in the same company's office, where he worked until his health prevented him from working further.

Before the opening of the Anderson Educational Institute, he taught Subscription Classes (private, paid), in the Auld Kirk.

Political Career

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